comomail Free - email messenger for eBay sellers! Always online - quick reply.Do you want to reply buyers questions on time? Then comomail is the righ
comomail Free - email messenger for eBay sellers! Always online - quick reply.
Do you want to reply buyer's questions on time? Then comomail is the right solution for you. Wherever you go,comomail goes. The app will automatically check your eBay account’s inbox and will immediately notify you about new incoming messages. It’s probably the easiest way possible to stay in touch with your eBay customers. We have developed a new design and improved the app's navigation to make it more user-friendly. Try it! You will enjoy all the communication opportunities the comomail Android messenger for eBay can offer.
• Auto-check for new emails
• Notifications about new and unread message
• Message templates
• Customization of the message checking interval, message format and notification melody
• Quick response to messages within the app.
We are still working hard on improving comomail, if you have any ideas or suggestions about which new features should be added to comomail, feel free to contact our support team. We will be glad to hear from you!
Free version limitations:
One eBay account support
- Added the html format of messages displaying
- Improved messages updater
- New design
- Opportunity to send up to 5 photos in a message
- Fixed bugs